How to use custom fonts in PDFs =============================== We use an HTML to PDF library called dompdf, and when it comes to fonts, they have to be converted to a different format and installed in the library itself, so that they can be included in PDFs. We have provided a tool to do this, and it's quite simple to use. 1. Upload the font file (.ttf, .otf, etc) to your Pancake's directory (the one where the index.php file and the system and third_party folders are). 2. Go to yourpancakeaddress/admin/settings/load_font?font_family=[font family name]&filename=[your font's filename.ttf] (See note below) Note: Replace [font family name] with your font's family name (e.g. "Dosis") and [your font's filename.ttf] with whatever filename the font file you placed in your Pancake directory has. It'll show you a bit of text but afterward the font will be installed and it'll be used in your PDFs when you specify it via the "font-family" property.